Hi Folx!
As promised, I am coming to you on Day 2 of this week to lift up another of my new one-off classes! I often create these one-off courses because, even though I have my flagship Hoodoo classes, they cover so much material that if I added anything else to is, I feel like people my get overwhelmed. One-offs make more sense to me to give practitioners a deep dive into a certain subject area. In this case, this one is all about protection.
Unlike some others I have made, this course draws from THREE different traditions I practice: Hoodoo, Powwow and Solomonic Magic. What’s so cool to me is all three of them are related and intertwine into each other in the way they work. Even the formal and sometimes-rigid Solomonic magic does its own version of rootwork through European folk practices weaved into some grimoires. So we are working in the spirit of that in this class.
The other key to this course is that we are working with some of the spirit arcana of the 6/7 Books of Moses. The strength of this one-off is the way the spirits and your built-up relationship with them will power your protective practice.
I also follow loosely elemental lines in the sense that we use the 5 elements to organize the practical workings you will learn. I don’t know too many other instructors who organize things this way with Hoodoo. It is not an absolute, but rather my attempt to show yet another way to think outside of the box and incorporate practical magical correspondences. Again, my goal is ever to teach people how to see the value and potential of what they already know with what they are learning. We should never have to reject and throw out everything we have learned before to become something new—unless we want to.
I hope this class brings the benefit of protection into your practice and for those you may serve. The link to the class is here: https://www.theblackthorneschool.com/courses/serveandprotect/.